Those Were The Days; 18th September 2001

Discussion of all things related to the club and first team
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September 18th 2001
Isthmian (Ryman) League Premier Division
Enfield 0 HRBFC 2 Att; 83
Burton, Carter

Stuart MacKenzie; Matt Flitter, Danny Murphy, Nick Burton, Tom Upsher, Martin Carter (Mark Xavier), Gary Holloway, Dean Green, Darren Deegan (Warren Williams), Craig Maskell, Fiston Manuella.
Unused Sub; Richard O’Connor.

When the Beavers visited, Enfield were a club in crisis – part of the club had split off to form Enfield Town – so it was probably an opportune time. Two goals in the first eleven minutes were enough to see off Enfield. Maskell was the architect of both goals; the first a right foot cross that was met by Burton, thundering in and crashing a shot into the net and then, minutes later, another cross, this time met by Carter.
The game petered out after those two early strikes, MacKenzie didn’t have a worthwhile shot to save.

The Old Historian
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