Vol 13 No 2; Committed To The Cause

Non-Hampton & Richmond Borough related posts.
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Things you may not know, or didn’t know you knew!

They also served from the sidelines

One thing is certain (apart from Death & Taxes!) is that you can’t run a football club without having some willing people in the background carrying out the admin.

During the first few seasons the club had a number of Club Secretaries fulfilling various roles …..

1921/22 Arthur E Maynard (Hon Sec)

1922/23 Edmund H Sharp (Hon Sec)
Edward Pocock (Asst)

1923/24 S E Till (Hon Sec)
C Allis (Asst)
L Hunkin (Players Sec)

Arthur Maynard was a former player with Hampton Nursery Workers and would appear to have been the club’s first Hon Secretary in 1921/22. Arthur was born in 1901, and was the son of a Nursery Worker. In 1921 he was living with his wife in High Street, Hampton. By 1939 he had moved to Feltham and was working for the London Passenger Transport Board as a Metal Sprayer.

Edmund Harry Sharp was born in 1897 and was living in Milton Road in 1923, before moving to Belgrade Road. In 1939 we find him s a Licensed Victualler (Publican) in Newham – not the best place to be during WW2!

Edward John Pocock was Hon Assistant Secretary and, according to a postcard sent out to advise players of their selection, he lived at 1 Gordon Villas on Broad Lane, in Hampton. In 1939 he was still in the area living on Broad Lane and was a Plumber & Pipe Fitter.

Sidney Till is a name that had turned up in a previous article, totally unconnected with the football club. However, in 1923/24 Sidney had taken on the position of Hon Secretary (incidentally where you see the word ‘Hon’ it means Honorary or Unpaid. When I was Hon Secretary, not only was it unpaid, but it cost me money in subs etc). Sidney was killed outside the Royal Oak pub in 1940 during a bombing raid and is buried in Hampton Cemetery. The incident is recorded outside the Royal Oak in the form of a plaque.

C Allis is Assistant Secretary to Sidney Till in 1923/24, and was living at 7 Gordon Villas, a few doors along from Edward Pocock! Now this could be Charles Edward or Charles William Allis. Charles Edward was a Gardner working for J Page, the Nursery, born in 1870, whilst his son Charles William was born in 1897 and was a mechanic working for Zenith Motors (whom I wrote about in 2020) and made JAP Motorcycles. So, you pays your money and you takes your choice as to which C Allis is which!

L Hunkin appears regularly as signing the cards to advise players of the next match. He would seem to be Leslie Hunkin who in 1921 was working as a shipwright at Hampton Launchworks on Platts Eyot (as was his brother, Frank). Leslie was living in Tudor Road. At one time Hampton Launchworks had its own football team, so it would seem that he may have joined Hampton from the works team.

The Old Historian
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