Vol 20 No 21; The Jerrold Family Part 1

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Things you may not know, or didn’t know you knew!

Walter & Clara

These next few articles will look at the Jerrold family who lived in Jessamine House (a house located where Kingsburys now sits) in the first few decades of the 20th century. A family that was extremely talented in literature and the arts.

Firstly, Walter and Clara, husband and wife.

Walter Copeland Jerrold (1865-1929) was born in Liverpool. Walter’s grandfather was Douglas Jerrold, a dramatist as was his uncle William, there was also a great-grandfather, Samuel who was an Actor and Theatre Manager so there was a family history in literary matters.

Walter came south, via Hartley Wintney, before living in Mount Street in London. Walter’s first job was as an assistant in a newspaper counting-house (traditionally a place where financial books of business were kept – think Bob Cratchit of ‘A Christmas Carol’). Walter joined The Observer, and worked his way up to become Deputy Editor. In 1895 he married Clara Armstrong Bridgeman (1861-1937) – she was already a published author.

By 1901 the Jerrold’s were living in Jessamine House with four daughters (they would eventually have five) – their only son having died in infancy. Walter wrote a number of books including a biography of ‘Earl Kitchener of Khartoum’, published in 1916 (Kitchener perished in June 1916 when HMS Hampshire was sunk). Walter also wrote books about the local area; ‘Hampton Court’, 1912; ‘Rambles in Greater London’, 1925, amongst others. He also wrote many books for children.

In the 1920s, Walter & Clara moved into London. In 1929, Walter died at their home in Warwick Avenue.

Clara was born in Paddington and was an author who wrote under the name Clare Jerrold. She seemed to have a particular interest in Queen Victoria, publishing books about her in 1901, 1912 and 1916. ‘The Story of Dorothy Jordan’, published in 1913 as well as ‘The Fair Ladies of Hampton Court’ in 1911.

Clara died in March 1936 in St Johns Wood.

The Jerrold’s daughters would all in one way or another pursue artistic careers which will form the basis of the next article.

The Old Historian
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